February, 14th and 15th
ExtraLife in MARCO (Vigo), "Material Memoria" program.

January 22nd and 23rd
ExtraLife in AlhondigaBilbo Zinemateka (Bilbao), "Mirar a cámara. Identidades,
simulaciones y recreaciones en el audiovisual contemporáneo español".

January 15th
Artaud's Trial and Galicia 1936-2011. Studies on Carlos Velo's Film screenings in the session
"Archeology, appropriation and reinterpretation. Ramiro Ledo" at Pasajes de Cine - SLOWTRACK
(calle Cañizares, 12, Madrid)



December 17th-31st
ExtraLife in III Festival Márgenes (Cineteca, Madrid; Filmoteca, Córdoba; Cine Tonalá, México D.F.;
Cinemateca, Montevideo; online, www.margenes.org)

November, 27th
ExtraLife in Cineuropa - Contraculturas (Santiago de Compostela).

October, 16th
Artaud's Trial in Cineteca (Madrid), ciclo DOCMA "De aquí e de acolá".

July, 7th and 13th
ExtraLife in Transcinema (Lima), "Disidencias" section.

June, 27th
Fragments from ExtraLife ("Cinema para unha revolución", Casa da Fariña, A Coruña).

May, 22nd
"Recycling the Anger": Meeting at Arteleku (Donostia) around the creative process of ExtraLife.

May, 1st
Special screening in avant-premiere of ExtraLife in Cineclube de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela).

April 17th
Fragments from ExtraLife(Mapa_Arteleku, Donosti).

April 11st, 17th and 21st
, world premiere at Panorama section in 15 BAFICI (Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente).